The app is developed for Infostud 3 d.o.o. Subotica, Serbia.
The first version of the Poslovi Infostud app is developed from April 2013 to August 2013. Users have options to browse and filter job opportunities in Serbia. The jobs are displayed in a list, and there is also a detailed view of every job ad. If a user wants to apply for a job the user can navigate to the website directly from the app. The first version is developed using basic android technologies like Webviews, AsyncTasks, and a custom HTTP client. The app is reading the data from the server using RESTFull services in JSON format. The data was deserialized manually using JAVA JSON classes.
The second version is upgraded to use Retrofit, OkHttp client, GSON, and MVP pattern. Also, new features are added, like the login option. applying for jobs directly in the app, uploading and managing CVs within the app, receiving notifications for newly posted jobs. The data like the latest searches and latest job applications are stored locally into the database and retrieved quickly when for displaying purposes.